lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008

menu of the day in England

»Breakfast,lunch,dinner & dessert

6 comentarios:

Iraida y Teresa dijo...

We like chicken salad haha Your blog is original and colorful.

Because of you we know that English people eat much meat.

Iraida y Teresa

andRea aLbii [anD] eRii* dijo...

Helloo our super friends xD
We are very hungry when we visit your blog xD
It's very beautiful :D
It's very order ^^
We love you and we send you a lot of kisses from andReaa.aLbii.&.eRii

Arantxa dijo...

Good, but try to use you English (and not only the one you get from the web :)


ajaa.y.ury dijo...

Some pictures are very beautiful and delicious .
Ilike so much the picture of desserts .
Alot of kisses


ajaa.y.ury dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ajaa.y.ury dijo...

Hi! I am laury!
Your blog contain a little information... but the images are very delicious ^^
Although there are images rares too.
Sign in my blog :)
